Welcome to the Secret Jukebox. This is my personal collection of incredible music that can't be found on Spotify, Youtube, Apple Music, and/or even sometimes... anywhere.
Much of this music is not available in the United States, can no longer be purchased in a way that supports the artist, cannot be streamed in an accessible way, has been abandoned by the companies that should be preserving it, and/or is generally a nightmare to find and listen to in an age where Android phones don't even have a built-in MP3 player anymore. Some of this stuff comes from vinyl records that I have had to rip myself, because some companies (cough cough Hankyu cough) don't care about preserving the music of their artists if it doesn't make them money anymore.
There's also music from well-known artists that isn't available on YouTube or Spotify, so if you see the name of one of your favorite artists you've listened to from there, check out their jukebox page. You might find some stuff you haven't heard before!
Mobile users, you can use the jukeboxes as if they are like an MP3 player app. If you go to use another app, or lock your phone while the jukebox is playing, it will keep going!
1. Do not post about the Secret Jukebox. This is not something made to be shared and advertised for. This is something to be enjoyed privately among friends. I don't want people posting about this on social media, because I don't want this site to be taken down. I don't want the Sumire police coming after me, I don't want Unnamed Japanese Record Company giving me slack. I want us to be able to enjoy listening to music for a very long time. Only share the jukebox by word of mouth, to people who you trust will not sell me out. If something happens, then something happens, but no talking about this thing outside of private spaces. 2.
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